Ordinary People: A Short Story

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“a mindless town is a smooth flowing town but not a good town. “A wrinkle in time”. i'm like IT, calvin, and charles wallace. (i'm like IT because I hate everyone. i'm like calvin because i'm tall. and i'm like charles because i'm smart, and cute.) But the main characters are mr. murry ,meg ,calvin, and charles. (mr. murry comes in later AKA in ch 6 or 7.) And a group of ex stares are named mrs. whatsit , mrs who , and mrs which come with them. the planets they go to. on the first new planet they go to they find out that mrs. wasit is a shapeshifting thing. But when they go to the happy medium’s gray planet they are surprised at what they see in the crystal ball. Also on the third planet ( Camazotz ) they find out what evil really is. and

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