Book Report On A Wrinkle In Time

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Book Report
A Wrinkle in Time is a fantasy novel written by Madeleine L´ engle . The story takes place in a stormy night at Meg Murry´s house, the main character. The settings are held not only on planet Earth, but in other planets like Camazotz and Orion´s Belt. I have never been to another planet, but I think it would be really amazing.
Meg Murry is a 14 year old girl, who is a little bit intolerant and impatient. She does not like school, because she feels odd among her classmates. Another character is Charles Wallace, Meg´s five years old brother, who is very intelligent for his age and is able to understand everything around him. Calvin O´Keefe is Meg´s close friend, who accompanies Meg to find her father. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs.

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