Online Dating Research Paper

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Throughout the last decade, we’ve seen many advances in the web. The web or the internet is a global communication system that allows people to communicate and transmit information via a computer or electronic device. Some changes have been beneficial to our modern day life styles, and others have triggered us to become lazy and antisocial. Online dating has definitely been on the up rise since it’s becoming easier to find a partner on dating websites and dating apps. People who look for their partners online often have hope of finding someone who meets the criteria they have set. Being that people communicate online, this allows people act like someone they’re not by revealing only certain aspects they want people to see which can be deceiving …show more content…

Once you’ve found a potential partner, you ask very intimate questions to get to know one another in order to insure you have found a match. The expectations once you meet face to face are intimidating. Once you have the opportunity to go on your first date with your potential partner, you don’t have much to talk about since you’ve already had the time to get to know each other online. In comparison to online dating, when you meet someone and go on your first date, you barely begin to get to know someone. You ask about your partner’s interests, hobbies, and things of that nature. All the small talk that goes on during the first date, is everything that you would find on their profile bio. This makes the first date become more of a second date, because you already know a lot of their interests and favorite foods. The website yourtango released an article in which they said, “If we find out too much about a person before meeting them we may make a judgement based on incomplete or inaccurate knowledge.” Meeting someone online allows you to quickly judge whether you like them or not. When we have the time to meet them face to face, we already have our mind made up about them due to pervious online conversations. This doesn’t allow us to actually get to know someone face to face. Speaking to someone online can be misdirecting because anyone can lie about anything and it would go unnoticed. Since the other person doesn’t know you, you …show more content…

Everyone online is in desperation of finding their life partner with the help of online dating apps. Online dating gives you the power to find the exact person you’re looking for. Although this may seem as an advantage for people looking for love, people who look for love online might be catfished, mislead, and or exploited. Before online dating became popular, people would go out in the world and speak to someone in person rather than sitting on opposite sides of screens. There is a huge difference from dating someone online and dating someone in person. Dating someone online can potentially lead to a numerous amount of problems throughout their relationship. Distance is a big factor with online dating. Dating in person has more of an advantage because you actually get to interact with your partner in person. Physically being with someone face to face gives people a chance to better form a connection. Although communicating online can be useful and beneficial to people who are distant, its not a great idea to sustain a relationship online. Online dating lets people pretend to be someone they’re not in order to sound more appealing to others online. This would result to be misleading which would give people false hope. Although there are a lot of scammers out on the internet, a lot of other online dating users are sincere when it comes to finding their significant other. Online dating can

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