Jonathan Franzen's Essay 'Go For Cowards'

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“Liking is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts”
It has always been possible to find it in our pockets. A big part of our social life is focused on them, maybe too much, and they are produced in many different shapes. It is the smartphone. Many people really care about their smartphone and maybe they care too much about it, to put it mildly. However, is it possible to be too fond of your smartphone? Is it the phone that you are caring about or is it the idea of being able to get in touch with others over the social medias? Or is it just the smart functions? Moreover, many experts, scientists etc. are questioning the reliability of the phone as a socializing machine. …show more content…

Go for What Hurts” in 2011. It is based on his commencement speech, which he delivered to college students at Kenyon College in Ohio, where he advised the students to put away their phones and socialize instead.

Already from the beginning of the essay is Jonathan Franzen comparing his relationship to his phone like a normal love affair where the sparkle is missing. However, he replaces the old Blackberry with a much more powerful Blackberry Bold. During this comparison he uses many words, which the young audience is familiar with. He uses expressions that the youngsters know from their own love affairs like “trust issues”, “one sided relationship” and many more. Already from the beginning he is trying to be on par with the young audience. However, when having this comparison Jonathan Franzen has the opportunity to determine, with expressions the youngsters understand, that he did outgrown the relationship. During his comparison he is personifying the smartphone. He mentions that the replaced phone did not throw terrible scenes when an even sexier object replaced it. He is actually comparing the phone with a human, it did not lose its temper, but if it wanted too it would have done …show more content…

Basically all our actions online is risk-free according to Jonathan Franzen. We can be “friends” with someone even though we had a word exchanged with the person. We do give many likes especially on facebook, twitter and instagram, but it is not because of a deep felling that we are “liking”, it is just a thing that we do because it is risk-free. Furthermore, when you give something a “like” is far from the same as loving someone or something else. Because giving someone a “like” is risk-free, but when you truly put yourself out there in the real world and start loving someone, then there is a possibility of being badly hurt. And that is the real life. The real life is filled with risks. It is of course possible to meet people through net-dating and similar stuff. But then the question is;” Would you rather get the first impression of a person online were all the technological tools had helped creating a “fake” person, and where liking and so is risk-free? Or would you meet in real life where you standing in front of a real person, who is not hiding behind a screen and just “liking” your pictures status updates and so on? The answer should be clearly option number two should be the one and that is also what Jonathan Franzen wants us to say. The pain of loss, of breakup etc. is some of the things he mentions that makes us avoid love and only makes us giving “likes”. However,

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