Olympic Wrestling History

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Throughout the course its history, wrestling has seen many changes in its grappling techniques because of safety and changes in the purpose of the sport. Wrestling is a sport of grappling with an opponent trying to take them down with a throw or showing on them or hold them down on the ground. In the Ancient Olympics they had two types of wrestling styles called Orthia pale and Kato pale. Orthia pale is like the standing position called neutral in modern wrestling you had to throw your opponent three depart times to win the match. “OLYMPIC GAMES.” Wrestling has a lot of the grappling techniques. Wrestling has been around for a long time most of the moves from 5000 years are still being used today. “History of the United States Wrestling Federation/USA …show more content…

The most famous of the Greek wrestlers was the philosopher, Plato, who won many prizes for wrestling as a young man. “Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.” His real name was Aristocles he was given the name Plato, meaning ”broad shoulders” because of his success wrestling. Wrestling also has been popular in the Orient for at least 20 centuries. Syndicated feature columnist L. M. Boyd has stated that the Kingdom of Japan was wagered on the outcome of a wrestling match in 858 A.D. Two distinctive styles emerged in Japan, sumo and judo, and both remain immensely popular today.Wrestling clearly has no single point of origin. “The Oldest Sport.” More than 160 traditional or ”folk-lore” variants are recognized by the International Amateur Wrestling Federation. “The Oldest Sport.” The modern Olympic Games resumed in Athens in 1896, wrestling became a focus of the Games. This was because organizers considered it historically significant; indeed Greco-Roman wrestling was deemed a pure reincarnation of ancient Greek and Roman wrestling.The 1900 Games were the only ones where wrestling was not present in any shape or form. As from the 1908 Olympic Games in London, Greco-Roman wrestling has always been included on the program. Since the 1920 Antwerp Games, there have been both freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling

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