Objectification Of Women In The Media

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The objectification and misjudged representation of women in the media

The media portrays social groups in a particular way for their own benefits. However, these portrayals affect a lot of people and especially women who are portrayed negatively in the media. Girls and women are affected by advertisements who portray women unrealistic and could start thinking bad about themselves. For that reason, the particular focus of this task will be why women are objectified and portrayed negatively in the media and give examples to give more meaning to my arguments.
First of all, it is important to think about how the media uses images and language to persuade people and how this influences a social group. More importantly, why are women represented …show more content…

At a very young age, women will already be exposed to the way that the media portrays women. When girls watch Disney movies there is always a woman who is looking for her prince charming. The woman and the prince charming are both good looking, thin and very beautiful. This will be for most girls the first exposure to the portrayal of women in the media. Nevertheless, in my opinion, this is not the right way to portray a woman and it will give a wrong image of women for young girls. Furthermore, the effect of this is that at the moment when women do not look like those women in Disney movies they are feeling unconfident and not happy about themselves. This could lead to eating disorders, psychological problems, suicides and negative body images. The media decides for women when they are beautiful, so the media will also decide for women when they are accepted by this society. This is a way that media uses images to persuade women to be as beautiful as those women in magazines or Disney movies. However, when women become older the realisation is there that life is not only about finding your prince charming, but these influences of the negative portrayal of women continue. For example, women are already persuaded by the media when standing in line by a grocery store. Imagine this, on the cover of Star magazine you …show more content…

Magazines want to portray female athletes in their underwear to earn money because the truth is, sex sells. Their achievements are not important anymore. Sport makes women’s body beautiful and that is what magazines want to see, a woman’s body. However, in my opinion, a sports story in a magazine must be about sports because a story about politics will not show the body of the female politicians either. When looking in TIME’s magazine for sports interviews, it will show a lot of men athletes with their achievements and the female athletes with their sexy body. The media always look at a woman as an object and what women do or how they act is not important. Moreover, women rights will not be improved when the media is objectifying women for their looks. This way women will always be seen as the less important people in society. This could be proven by the fact that 35 women have served as US governors compared to 2319 men and in most companies, the top-decision making positions are occupied by men and not by women because women are seen as less important

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