Nike Pledges To End Child Labour

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Have you ever thought about child labor around the world? Well right now it is going on in second and third world countries. They have children in these manufactures working making clothes and products. The conditions they work in dangerous they have low pay, and environmental/health issues. That is why child labor is a bad thing.

The first reason why we shouldn’t buy products that have the use of children working is because of the conditions they work in. These children some as young as fourteen are working in very bad and dangerous conditions. According to Nike Pledges to End Child Labor And Apply U.S. Rules Abroad in the Performance Assessment book it states, ” Footwear factories have heavier machinery and use more dangerous raw material.” According to the same article it states, ” Using objective observers to monitor working conditions would serve not just Nike but eventually American industry in general, by giving the american consumer an occurrence that those products are made under good conditions.” Those quotes mean that these children under fourteen are working in very dangerous conditions. …show more content…

Children in these factories are making less than two to three dollars a day. According to Nike Pledges to End Child Labor And Apply U.S. Rules Abroad Mr.Knight states, “ Nike and other American companies pay workers in China and Vietnam less than two dollars a day and workers in Indonesia less than one dollar a day.” Also according to Media Benjamin, director of the San Francisco based human rights group Global Exchange, Media states, “ A sweatshop is a sweatshop is a sweatshop unless you start paying a living wage. That would be three dollars a day.” This means that children as young as fourteen are making less than a living

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