Neorealism Essay

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Italian Neorealism, a movement that focused on the arts began in 19th century post war Italy and “became the repository of partisan hopes for social justice in the post war italian state.” (Marcus, xiv) Even before the war, Italy had been under the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini and his corrupt form of government, Fascism, which caused oppression throughout the country. Neorealistic films allowed filmmakers to use common styles and techniques to finally reveal the world filled with anguish and misery that Mussolini had created. These films allowed the rebirth of Italy with the new ideals of freedom and social order. Some directors choose to add melodramatic elements to their neorealistic film which goes against Neorealism’s goal to project the Italy in its real form. However, although Rome Open City by Roberto Rossellini and Bitter Rice by DeSantis have classic hollywood narrative characteristics, the portrayal of women and children represent neorealist principles that help us further understand the struggles and conflicts of women and children during post-war Italy.
The concept of Italian Neorealism includes location shooting, natural lighting, lengthy takes, the superior use of medium and long shots, the use of non professional actors which would include the individuals natural dialect, and the avoidance of any major editing to provide the viewer with a more real quality. (Marcus 22) On the other hand, a classic hollywood narrative, also known as hollywood realism, used professional actors, set up a plot patterning style, used lights and themes to enhance the characters, action, struggles and decisions that are being played out in the narrative. Unlike Italian Neorealism, hollywood realism includes “individuals who struggle...

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...e resistance leader Giorgio Manfredi. Pina and Marina are compared throughout the whole film as two very different characters and personalities: the way they dress, the way they present and execute themselves, and the expectations they have from the love of a man. Contradictory to Pina’s character representation, Marina depicts the weakness and materialistic side of women at that time who ended up submitting to the Nazi’s. When we are first presented to Marina in the film, Hollywood Realism characteristics are immediately seen as she lays in her in her extravagant room in a glamorous set. She also uses her “white telephone” which is a symbol and reference to white telephone films while she also carries the “melodramatic motifs of jealousy, revenge and treachery” -Landy 88. It is quickly learned that although her life looks fabulous, Marina’s life is controlled by her

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