Negative Effects On Graffiti

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“It’s nothing but nascence. It’s ugly. Tasteless rubbish by immature creeps.” These are some of the things that people say and feel about graffiti. Graffiti has been looked at as a bad symbolism for decades and a signed of vandalism. It is strongly associated with the broken window theory, which is the signaling effect of vandalism and urban disorder on additional crimes and anti-social behavior. It is more apparent in areas that show signs of financial and social breakdown. Painting on walls and on the sides of buildings indicate not only that a street artist has claimed that as its territory, but it also indicates a lack of police presence. As more signs of social dysfunction become accepted in certain areas, illegal activity increases, making These types of problems can be linked back to graffiti, causing many to label it as a bad sign. These works of street art usually have a tag by their portrait as a way of letting the people and the world know who they are. One of the main reasons people dislike graffiti is that it is done on public property, making it illegal. During the LA Riots, mass chaos spread through the streets of Los Angeles because four police officers used excessive force in the videotaped arrest and beating of Rodney King, following a high-speed police chase. Outraged protesters turned to violence in south-central Los Angeles as they blocked the freeway traffic, beat motorist, wrecked and looted numerous downtown stores and buildings and set more than 100 fires. In the mist of all this, people starting grabbing spray paint and begin to tag the sides of neighborhoods, stores, sewers, cars and everywhere in the streets. Those tags were both good and bad as some of them said “Rodney King we love you brother.” While others were more about race uniting as one. The rest of the graffiti just said “RIOT” in big and colorful letters expressing what was going down in the streets of LA. Once the LA Riots ended,

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