National Honor Society Examples

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The National Honor Society upholds four pillars of excellence that all members attain; scholarship, service, leadership, and character. While these four ideals are present in all members I believe that I withhold these characteristics, as well as numerous others, which qualifies me as an ideal scholar and member of the National Honor Society. These assets are not adequately portrayed in my application, but are equally important to scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Both inside and outside of school, I make it a personal commitment to be a kind, helpful, and respectful role model to others, and I use those character traits to be a successful leader in my community. Kindness can be hard to come by in today’s age, so I pride myself in being a genuinely nice leader. A prime example of this would be my involvement with my dance school, the D’Arcy School of Irish Dance. While I have only been dancing for three years, I have taken the initiative to be a role model to the younger dancers. As being a Senior dancer, it is my responsibility to portray to other students the way one should act at dance class and performances. Instead of guiding others in a harsh and rather “bossy” manner, I instead choose to lead in a much more effective way. This would be …show more content…

I have discovered my ability to do so, once again, through Irish dancing. Being that I started Irish dance at the age of thirteen, which is very old to start dancing. Very quickly, I went from learning the basic moves to teaching others in a matter of months. This quality is important to being in the National Honor Society because one needs to be able to quickly pick up any task when volunteering, and then guide others in doing the same thing. Being that I am capable of easily taking leadership, I believe I would be a principal member and leader of Brick Township High School’s National Honor

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