My Values Essay

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I am the sum of the experiences I have had in my life. From these experiences, I have developed and shaped my values and qualities. I have many values such as honesty and respect; however, the value that stands out most to me is commitment. My vision on what commitment is being dedicated to something and never dropping it. Through life you 're faced with many challenges based on your values, will you hold onto your value or go against. I find myself always picking commitment. I developed this value from many things from my parents, to where I was born and has always stuck with me. Friends and family are a major part of my life and have helped make me into the person I am today. My parents have always shown me to stay committed to something if it means a lot to you. My parents have been married for over 20 years my dad tells me that there are people to stay committed to for the rest of your life. My dad has shown great commitment from working the same job since he was nineteen. He tells me time and time again “life is difficult but if you stay committed to something that …show more content…

I always struggled with paying attention and succeeding on tests. As I got older it got worse. Throughout my 12 years of schooling, I had many episodes on giving up and just not caring. In high school, some of my friends around me started showing up less and less to school, and some even started dropping out. My mom would always take time out of her day to help me study and help with homework. She taught me a lot about staying committed in schooling that it all pays off in the end. My mom was going to online college in becoming a nurse. She influenced me into staying committed to my goals and that you needed to work for them. My mom would stay up late night with studying, doing homework, or working on essays. Seeing where she is now after all that hard work makes me want to do the same and not end up like my friend who did not

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