My Personal Ethical Values

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Personal ethics play a crucial role in the life of everyone around us and it represents specific features and characteristics that have been formed through our family and society. Our personal ethics are influenced by cultural, beliefs, morals, and spiritual values. These decisions can have positive or negative impacts on society. In our daily lives, each and every person is responsible for making decisions that can influence those around us, such as people we work with, our family, and even those we go to school with. The focus of this paper is to identify my personal ethical values, indicate the primary influences, values that guided my decision, and the progress of my ethical goals. Trying to put my ethical values in a vision statement was …show more content…

I believe that my childhood is a primary influence and for me, this was a negative force that continues to drive my ethics today. I grew up with instability, insecurity, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. When I achieved difficult tasks such as winning an ice-cream cone for getting high scores in my reading assignments, I was ridiculed. When I tried to take positive steps by going to youth group to learn about Christ, I was told “now, you think you 're better than everyone”. These acts along with the abuse lead me to believe that I was worthless, undeserving of love and affection. Prior to leaving home, there were times in my early teens I lived with my mother who decided it was okay to supply me with drugs and alcohol. The use of these drugs stopped my developmental growth. When I came of age, I left home to live on the streets, it was better than the abuse. Life on the streets led me to even harder drugs that nearly cost my …show more content…

Some of the values that guide me to make decisions are my relationship with God, caring for my family and myself, caring for others, achieving my education, obtaining my career, and my integrity. My relationship with God keeps me focused on what is important. Care for others and myself, I will always try my best to help those in need, like my family, peers, and anyone else. My educational goals will lead to my desired career to be a social worker. My integrity keeps me sincere and honest in everything I do. In my college career, I have had many classes that provided inspiration and personal growth but the two that stands out at this time are psychology and the Bible as literature. In psychology, I specifically enjoyed learning about research and theories regarding human growth and change across the lifespan. This class helped me understand why and how children develop. The Bible as literature was interesting and I learned things I had not known. This class confirmed that when I need to, I can turn to proverbs for

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