Personal Values Essay

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During everyone 's lifetime, there is always something we hold closest to our hearts; it maybe our principles we live by, values, and even our own beliefs. Values are those things that are very important to us but never really realize how much we actually value them in our life. Have you ever been asked to define three of your main values and rip them up? I have and I never noticed how much they meant to me. Each and every one of us believes in our own personal values. These values are what gives us strength and strive us to do what makes us happy. These values are very important to us and are standards that we live by whether we realize it or not. Everyone has something we value including me. Some of the values I might think highly of, …show more content…

My family has always been a priority for me because they always taught me how important it is to respect others. I highly value respect for others as well as myself. Having respect for others is very important at all times in any given situation. Respecting others opinions, beliefs, and values show 's you are acknowledging their feelings and ensures the person they are as important as anyone else. Being able to give someone your respect can also grant you with respect in return. Being respectful can also have an effect on your personality. It can help determine how you interact around others. The quality of respect has components to help others relate if you are a rude person or a kind one. In the late 1800 's John Stuart mill and Jeremy Bentham established a theory of social justice. Utilitarianism theory consists of moral ethics. The action of doing right and treating others equally maximizes utility and brings happiness to most people. Having respect can bring many positive aspects such as happiness, being happy can bring happiness to others around you that is an essential to solving problems that reduces conflict with one another. Having a value that is such a priority in life does not mean that you have to go against what you believe in order to satisfy others. It just helps you on improving on how you see the world and why others might feel the way they do. Respect has taught me not to be selfish and only think

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