My Pivotal Experience

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I hope all is well with you and your family, and I just wanted to take a second to write to you about my pivotal experience on the mountain. Let me start, it was a cold, rainy spring day under the mountain and our headmaster just announced a mountain day. Students scrambled out of Allen theatre and many headed back to the dorms to get ready for a hike. I immediately headed back to the dorm with my buddies and got ready to hike up to Guilder. We grabbed a speaker, an extra pair of shorts, a bag of snacks, and some water:we were ready to go. As we started hiking up the mountain in the pouring rain, we had a brief moment that we contemplated giving in and heading back down the mountain. That is when I spoke up, “Boys, it is mountain day. We have two a year, and I will …show more content…

With the rain pouring down through the trees, I was unable to hear the noises of the other animals. Generally, I can listen and hear several types of birds communicating through different noise pitches. The agriculture along the trail is beautiful, as every 5 steps I was coming across another 50+ year old tree. As I hiked up, I had what some would refer to as an epiphany. I had taken a second to reflect upon the hike so far, and more importantly, about mountain day as a whole. Mountain day was created for more than a day off from school, it was a time for the students of Berkshire to make a connection with the mountain. I had not yet made this artificially sounding “connection” with the mountain. So for the remainder of the hike, I decided to take it all in. I began talking to my friends and listening to their stories regarding adventure and the outdoors. One friend, who I will not name, started to tell his story about his first hike at Berkshire. He talked about the emotional aspect of his first hike, as he said it brought him to such happiness that he cried. This hike he spoke of was a sunrise hike to Black Rock, which is arguably the best hike at

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