An Essay On Nature: The Importance Of Nature

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“Nature isn’t a place to visit. It is home”, one wise man said. It is true. Nature is all around us. We can see it every day. No matter, where we live, in a big city or in a countryside, we meet it everywhere. It is the sunset and the sunrise, the sky, the trees, the blooming of flowers, the wind that blows, the songs of birds. The nature of our planet is very beautiful, it is rich, varied, colorful and, of course, it is unique. Every human being is a part of the natural world. During all the life, from the birth day, from the first breath, till the last day, every man is surrounded by the numerous blessings of the nature. Everyone needs clean air, light and warmth of the sun, pure water, food and many others for existence. People receive them from the nature. On the one hand people cherish these natural blessings, on the other hand people don’t appreciate fully their importance. …show more content…

They used rich natural resources to satisfy their life needs, but at the same time, they appreciated the beauty of the nature. Industrial revolution has made modern life more comfortable. Instead many people live in big cities and spend very little time with nature every day. Thanks to busy schedules and the ultra fast paced life that most of people live. They are surrounded by grey lifeless buildings and cars, not by green trees and flowers. They enjoy the products of technological innovations, but have forgotten about something important and even bigger, nature. Nature is our most precious gift and the most invaluable

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