My Personality

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I was pleasantly surprised, as well as intrigued, to discover the extraordinary quiz results of my personality type. Honestly, I was not sure what to expect, but to my amazement, the outcome I received had little to no inaccuracy. In fact, it was a relatively precise assessment of my personality, and how all of those attributes contribute to who I am. Overall, I find personality type’s to be particularly fascinating. Often, there are specific aspects that make up a personality, and these characteristics have multiple effects on people, including their perception. As far as my personality type is concerned, I believe it affects my perception by wanting my life to have meaning and always be purposeful. I also always want to see the best …show more content…

When I took the color quiz, I received the highest possible score for the color “blue.” As I read the description, it was almost as if I was reading different facets of myself, that someone plastered on a piece of paper to describe the transparent “Cara.” Along with many other elements of importance, I value empathy enormously. However, empathy should never be confused with sympathy. Empathy is much, much different from sympathy. Empathy fuels connection, while sympathy drives disconnection. It is perspective taking, staying out of judgment, and recognizing emotion in other people, then communicating that emotion. Sympathy, however, often tries to fill the void quickly by doing what is assumed to make the situation better. I often find that people who sympathize typically use the word “at least”, and try to silver-line everything. For example, If someone says “I think my marriage is shredding into pieces”, a sympathetic person might say “Well, at least, you have a marriage.” Empathy is nowhere near sympathy. Empathy is feeling with people and connecting with them, while also connecting with something in myself that knows that feeling. It is a choice, and a vulnerable one, to say the least. Sympathetic people do not understand this, or choose not to. Truthfully, rarely can a response ever make something better. Really, what makes something better is connection. I always strive my best …show more content…

I know who I am, and I believe I even began realizing as a young girl. My mother would always tell me how beautiful and lovely I am, on the inside and out, as well as who and who’s I am. Referring to our walk of faith, my mother would tell me I am a daughter of Jesus Christ, and would continually remind me of who I am in him. I keep all these memories with me to this day, and I walk with confidence, boldness and overflowing joy. I know the world has many terrible things occurring in it; I am not oblivious to this, but I have hope. My family and friends are always encouraging and challenging me to be the best young woman of God I can be. This is a deep desire of mine too, as well as a large part of why I am who I am, and why I find it important to continue life this way. As the quiz says about my color, I am continually encouraging others, seeking harmonious relationships, and enjoying the “little things” in life. All of these things, and more, helped shape my perception, how I see myself, and how I now communicate and interact with others. It is a challenging journey at times, but if someone were to ask me if I would change a thing, I would say absolutely

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