My Personal Identity Analysis

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When I was born I was a blank sheet of paper. My being pure, but devoid of identity. Every breath inhaled, and every scene observed began to delineate my portrait. Still young, I spattered glitter glue and fluorescent colored marker onto my visage, but as I formed into a societal product the glimmer was obscured from view.
The community I reside in determines my hobbies, my interests, my fashion, and my personality. I nearly cannot remember who I was before society told me what to be. Culture shapes who you are; hiding the toxins and exposing a path to conformity. It is easy to see each other as diverse, but in a like society, we are the same. We wake up at the same time, we get dressed in the same clothes, we drink the same coffee, and go …show more content…

I dedicate myself to the things in life I love; I give my body and soul. I am the clothes I wear, the way I speak, the way I play sports, and the people I surround myself with. When I dress myself, it is an expression of my personality, and how I perceive the upcoming day to be. I dress with a modest flare; a muted statement of daring intellect. However, when I step onto the field, my persona shifts from a highbrow intellectual to an animal hell-bent on stopping anything from entering the cage behind me. My teammates look to me as their leader, and rely on me to help them win. I leave all worries: tests, drama, and stress, outside the turf. From the second I step on, to the second I walk back onto the concrete, my focus is field hockey. I realize my entire existence cannot be limited to field hockey and academics, so I expand my interest to friends. I surround myself with people whom I love. Each person I befriend, I aspire to become more like, or incorporate some attribute into my own life. They people in my life make me a better person to myself, and a better person to others, aside from societal impulses. They make my days brighter, and laughs

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