Buddy Relationship Research Paper

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As you remember growing up you had many different ideas on media, your relationships with siblings and friends and the people you hung around with. During these times you reflected on how those things affected you and how you took the time to connect with yourself. You’re a freshman in high school now and you are nervous about your identity as everyone else is. You distinctly fit in with certain cliques and crowds and not others and that is okay. The athletes and academics were the crowds you stuck around with. Being part of the field hockey team categorized yourself in the, Athletes (a.k.a jocks)- Sports oriented students, usually members of at least one sports team (223). Striving for good grades and being socially inept put me in the academic …show more content…

You and her shared a critical relationship and a buddy relationship. A critical relationship is characterized by a high level of conflict and teasing (178), which has resulted in you and your sister butting heads over little things that did cause some conflict when you guys were younger. You also created a buddy relationship in which siblings treat each other as friends (178), during your teen years. Your buddy relationship consisted of you two going to the movies together, shopping, driving around and talking about school and friends. Now a day’s this buddy relationship has turned more into a casual relationship due to the fact that you were both at college now and not always together. Today your relationship is not emotionally intense in which you and your sister have little to do with one another (178). You and her will still talk occasionally but lately you haven’t gotten into each other’s business due to the lack of talking that has been created. You personally believe that the timing and age has affected your relationship between each other for the good. You believe that having this distance has made you and your sister grow up more based off of how college turns you into an adult and how your maturity levels grow throughout that

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