My Outline During Class

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To prepare, I made the outline during class. It was pretty straightforward, and unfortunately I didn't really have any personal stories. That was something that I had to add later on, once I realized that stories played an important role in the speech. I was glad that I was able to finish the outline in class because that gave me more time to think about what else I wanted to accomplish. To prepare my actual speech, I wasn't able to practice with my bottle shield since I didn't get that done until Sunday. I went through the speech in my head once, and I was satisfied. I didn't want to try to memorize everything I was going to say because usually that makes me more nervous when I try to say everything I want to. I felt really calm in front of …show more content…

The feedback from the teacher reassured me that I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. I think that I spoke up well. I have a tendency to mumble when I speak, so talking clearly was a plus for me. I need to work on slowing down and giving people time to take everything in. Ideas just kept popping in my head I just wanted to get them out as soon as they came in. The unexpected event that happened during my speech was when I took out the rolled up paper from the inside, I had forgotten to bring up the tape with me. I had to just stand up there and try to hold it awkwardly. It turned out to be not so bad since I was able to hold it pretty easily and go on with the speech. Next time I'm going to have to be sure to have everything up there with me and be completely ready to go. That's about everything unexpected that happened. I was really glad that everyone knew when the speech was over. They all clapped at the end just like I was hoping they would do. That was a relief because I didn't want them all to be sitting there awkwardly and I would've just had to say the end or something dumb like that. Next time I give a speech, I'm going to focus on slowing down and taking things

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