My Hero Dorfy Research Paper

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My Hero Dorfy, male alien, is an ordinary hero. He’s from the planet Mars in the Sugar-fat Galaxy. Sugar-fat didn’t take the name “Sugar-fat”, because they were unhealthy, but because they never ate anything with sugar while becoming a fat head full of facts of different ways to eat healthy. Sadly, Dorfy had to relocate from his home planet because his people sooner or later died off because of the meteors that were ramming into their long lived home planet Mars. By that being said, all of their planet’s surface was destroyed right along with their shelter homes, plants, crops, and families as well. Sad, But it was the life they lived by. They’re in space, what do you expect. In that case, Dorfy had no choice but to find a new planet to live on. …show more content…

By the way, Dorfy was an alien. Not like alien that wants to kill every human it sees. Something like an Alien hero that supports eating healthy to little children that eat junk food all the time. Dorfy talking to kids while they’re young makes his job easier because kids now of days are gullible like fish going for a worm. So, as Dorfy walks around as any other person, if he spots a child eating an unhealthy snack, he would tell them “Those snacks you eat now are very delicious and sweet, but they also will have an effect on you in the future.” Which means Dorfy was informing young children that the sooner you start, the better your chance of catching diabetes will decrease. And best believe you could trust him; because Dorfy was scrawny from the waist down, but was ripped as a bull from the ribs

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