My Grandmother: The Person I Admire

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An admirable person stands for excellence: deserving to be admired, inspiring approval and affection. With that definition being said, only one person stands out in my mind, my grandmother. She was a strong woman who cared for eleven children which took a lot of hard work and dedication. I was given the life to spend with her and the chance to learn from her wisdom and follow by her examples. There was not a day that went by that she did not guide me in the right direction and teach me a life lesson that still today helps me become a better person. Four vivid points that stand out to me about my grandmother are, make memories, dont stress the small stuff, love unconditionally, and always be dependable are the things that I strongly admire her for teaching me.
Since the age of one to the age of twenty-five I can think of hundreds of memories that occured throughout my child hood. During holidays and birthdays she would always stress to me the comment," it is not the size of the gift, Kayla but the memories that are behind it." Now that I am older and have children of my own that comment has never made more sense to me. Gifts become outdated, lost or broken, but the memories that were made during that event last forever, that is one thing that no one can ever take from you. As a parent, I have taken those small words that were said by my gradmother and try to make my children understand the quality of it. As they are only three and seven years old, I hope that as they get older, the comment becomes more and more clear to them too.
"Kayla, do not stress the small stuff. Life is too short!" I loved her strongly for that small little comment that was made on days I felt stressed out over a test, becoming a single, teenage mom or ...

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... could count on her for anything: cheerleading practices, graduations, doctors appointments, anything you needed her for she was there. There were eleven of us but she always maintained to appear where and when she was needed no matter the circumstances and I admired her for that and teaching me the importance of being dependable. It shows a lot in a person when you know that they will be there for you whenever they are needed.
My grandmother is a person whom I will always love and strongly admire. Without her life lessons and wisdom on how to love unconditionally, being dependable, avoid stressing over the small stuff, being a hard worker and be sure to make lots of memories with your family and loved ones, I would not be the person I am today. I hope that one day I can be such an admirable person as she was and teach my own children the things she showed me.

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