Obstacles In Richard Wright's Native Son

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Obstacles are opportunities in disguise. If a person is starving with only one sunflower seed, he/she has a choice to either plant the sun flower seed or to eat it. His obstacle is only having one sunflower, but his opportunity is to plant it. Women and men from urban areas are faced with these decisions everyday of choosing starvation v. assurance, mind v. matter, now v. forever. They are hit with harsh reality in some of the most severe ways, that the bad options can outweigh the good. Alternatively, there those who are hit, though they fight back. The obstacles of living in an urban environment, being faced with controversial experiences, and their relationships during their childhood are what shaped their character and possibly dictate …show more content…

He is a angry young African American man who grew up in south-side Chicago, surrounded by the harsh reality of poverty: in spirit, in education, and of truth. Thus, Bigger is an example of a boy deprived of a father (figure), a boy with an underprivileged education, and the product of a lower and unemployed class. Granted, Bigger got a job through a relationship but there is an obstacle. He is envious of the color of the skin and the privilege that his employer has. Being that, his character of anger transformed into Animosity; that Animosity was released. As a result, Bigger’s story ends in prison like the majority of people placed in his situation. His obstacle of anger prevented what could have been opportunity, of no longer being the employee but working hard enough to become the …show more content…

My relationship with my grandmother paved the way of my education, my faith, my success. Her understanding and unconditional love, as well as, faith in me along with my past experiences, helped shape my character today. I am currently a high school graduate, who was ranked number 4 in my class with a 3.79 G.P.A. Not to mention, on a full scholarship to college, and by the end of July have a total of eleven college credits before becoming an official freshman. Bigger and I, may have both have grown up in urban environment where we did not want to be. We may have both been faced with controversial experiences of broken homes, deprivation, and poverty. We definitely both have encountered relationships with some great people who opened a door for us. In the matter of time, to put it briefly, it takes sacrifice and dedication. Sacrifice the attitude of obstacles constantly being thrown out in front and dedicate time to being optimistic, willing to create

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