Personal Narrative: My Grandma

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There are many wonderful people in the world. One of them is my grandmother, Phyllis Pelts. At the age of seventy-three, she continues to make her mark on the world. Standing only five feet tall, nothing can intimidate her. Phyllis, also known as Gran, is a widow and is currently on the road of recovery from a double knee replacement. Not even a double knee replacement can hold her down. She is strong and independant. Gran is always up to date despite her age. She is fashionable, enjoyable, and most importantly, caring. First of all, Gran is not a typical grandma. Devoted to stay involved in life, she cannot just sit around her house all day and do nothing. She supports every one of her grandchildren immensely. Throughout her four grandchildren, she attends every single football, basketball, softball, golf, and baseball game. Also, not to mention other events such as swim meets and dance recitals. Anytime her grandchildren are performing, she is always there in the stands cheering for them. At every single one of my brother’s basketball games you will hear her yell, “GO TYLER! YEAH, MAKE THAT SHOT!” Without a doubt, Gran is over achieving the role of being a grandmother. Secondly, being a grandmother takes on the act of spoiling the grandkids. One of Gran’s favorite hobbies is to go shopping. However, she will not buy anything unless it is on sale …show more content…

Caring means to display kindness or concern for others. I can not think of a better person who characterizes that definition. Gran has been caring for students for over forty-two years. She continues to connect with many students from school- including my friends. She is the most caring person I know. There also has not been a time that I can remember of when she was not in a positive attitude. She focuses on the positive situations in life. It is my job to care for her just as much as she cares for me. I could have not asked for a better

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