My Favorite Author Essay

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What subjects do you enjoy reading about? If you’re like me, you might enjoy learning about science, religion, and history. If not, there are countless other subjects and even more opinions on each subject. The choice is an important one. The things you learn while reading non-fiction could influence your life in ways you don’t expect. Literature has the power to sway opinions, votes, and even career paths. Non-fiction is often regarded as being boring by some of my peers, but I find that reading for the purpose of learning is often more entertaining than watching television or playing video games. It is certainly far more rewarding. I began reading educational books when I was seven. My parents bought me a couple of books about dinosaurs after I expressed some interest in them. By the time I …show more content…

He has been the single most influential and interesting author I’ve had the pleasure of reading. I find it ironic that he’s my favorite author because one of the lessons I learned from his books is the importance of questioning your heroes. It would be silly to blindly follow an old fool just because he said a few things you agree with. Mr. Hitchens has always survived my questioning because of his demand for total journalistic honesty and integrity, a demand that he rigorously applied to his own writing. His infamous bestseller “god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything” was highly influential on me after I’d abandoned Christianity. It provided a perspective that was new to me at the time, and served as a stepping stone in my continuing analysis of religion. His autobiography vividly depicts his life from his birth in post-WWII Britain to the fateful day he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, which led to his death in 2011. If I ever decide to write my own memoirs, I’ll be sure to include a statement describing the influence of his writing during these seminal years of

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