My Experience With Adversity In Basketball

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In all parts of life there are periods of adversity that we must face, the real challenge however, is what we gain from conquering those trials. There have been many times that I have been faced with adversity. It has happened in all aspects of my life at one time or another.
“No more Basketball for the rest of the season.” Those words repeated in my head for hours as I thought about what a careless decision I had made three nights prior to my horrific accident.All summer long I had been getting up at 8:30 A.M. to go to the lifting and conditioning sessions. On top of that everyday after lifting we would spend an hour or more dribbling, working on our jump shot, and footwork. I had high expectations for myself going into my sophomore season. …show more content…

There was a terrible feeling in my stomach that I have never experienced before. As person I felt invincible that day, and on top of the world because I was giving my all to my team. Later on that night before the end of the Third quarter Coach subbed me back into the game, and I was ready to get back on the court and demolish the other team. Our team set up in a 1-3-1 defense which is a zone defence, and as the point guard threw the ball across the court I went for the basketball.
Unfortunately things did not go as planned. As I stole the ball from the other player my knee went outward as I hit the ground. I heard a loud popping sound like you hear in movies. When I landed I shouted to the top of my lungs crying for help. No one knew what the problem was based on how I landed. The doctor told me that I had torn my MCL and PCL. That was not what I had wanted to hear. Especially after all the hard work, and time I had put into the

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