My Career As An Agricultural Educator And FFA Advisor

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Agriculture as a Career

Agriculture will look different for everyone in this career path and is guaranteed to change each year in one way or another. Technology, the way of production, and forms of education are always changing and will continue to change. Some individuals in the agriculture field will tell you as soon as they figure out how to do something; either the parts or tools are changed. I find this aspect of the agricultural field challenging and interesting to see the changes. This is one aspect that hooked my interest and partly influenced me to find a career in this pathway. I have found my place in the agriculture field through different experiences and opportunities. One of my Ag Teachers always shared the quote from Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I have found a place where I can share my passion of helping others and love for agriculture with being an Agricultural Educator and FFA Advisor. The opportunities I have taken advantage of in my college career have challenged me to think about my future goals. When I entered college, I was determined to teach …show more content…

The path I will take is to be an Agricultural Educator and FFA Advisor. I will be able to take what I have learned and share it with the next generation of agriculturists. They will be the ones filling the positions of the individuals retiring from the agriculture industry and new positions that have not yet been created. These students should be given the opportunity to discover new things in agriculture, see different parts of the agriculture industry through field trips, make connections with others, and ask many questions. I was given many opportunities to see and experience the agriculture industry, and I want to do the same for my students to help prepare them to be a vital part of the agricultural

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