My Best Friend's Wedding Movie Analysis

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Watching movies enable people to release some of the stress they encounter in their day- to -day lives since it makes them laugh. In addition, movies are a great way of interacting with people because they showcase some of the most captivating moments of life. One of the interesting things about movies is that it makes people look at others as role models and help viewers learn some positive lessons about life. Movies also enable people to express roles and emotions that might be difficult to consider. “My Best Friend’s Wedding” portrays all the values of watching movies because it amuses people from ages thirteen and upward. Due to some strong language, viewer discretion advised. “My Best Friend’s Wedding” is a movie that people should watch …show more content…

In the boat scene when Michael told Julianne what Kimmy said, “if you love someone you say it right then, out loud, otherwise the moment passes you by” (Netter, Whitcher & Hogan,1997). Many people can relate to this scene. Usually, they have opportunities to say what is disturbing them or what they feel, but words do not come out. Often words not said aloud and considered irrelevant, especially when the situation around will not change. Despite the emotions evoked in this movie, viewers should learn to profess the love they have openly without hesitation. Do not let the people you love go away without letting them know how much you care for …show more content…

“My Best Friend’s Wedding” is so unpredictable, but properly organized. Four stars out of five awarded by many viewers to the movie. “My Best Friend’s Wedding” ends up with a different couple than people expected. As the movie happens, it starts with Michael telling Julianne he is dating and is getting married to Kimmy in four days. Despite that, Julianne travels for the wedding with the intention of breaking the couple up. Unfortunately for Julianne, her best friend is getting married to the girl of his dreams, Kimmy (Netter, Whitcher & Hogan,1997). This mimics real-life situations. The movie’s ending disappoints the audience because, in their view, they wanted Julianne and Michael to end up together. The director of the movie thought otherwise, which makes the movie so classic. To the viewers, the ending is more of a mixed feeling of love and hate, making the movie a ‘must see’. The movie tells the audience that life is so unfair. So, loving someone does not guarantee a happy ending together. Also, often we do not realize what we have, until someone else has

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