My American Dream

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Over the year big businesses have taken control of the world’s economy, but success didn’t come easily. As Razor Suleman said in his article, “Success in a business happens because of successful employees, successful business managers.”(1) Something that I learned as the time pass is that when we grow we pick up things from the world; things that stay with us and make us who we are. When I was a child , I remember dreaming about having my own marketing company. A company where I, as the business manager, could take control of it and do wonderful things. My inspiration came from my parents. They are probably one of the best non degreed business manager. Being so close to them gave me the motivation to want to become a business manager. …show more content…

A very important factor to consider is that each person is different, and therefore should look at universities adapted to your projects, interests and particular activities, such as Tec Milenio University. “Tec Milenio University is a young and dynamic University, whose profile and educational motto is unique in México. They have being allowed to consolidate itself as an institution of high quality educating people with the skills required by companies and organizations to successfully compete globally. Tec Milenio University has 39 campuses located all around Mexico.” (TecMilenioUniversity 2) Why choose a University in México, well because “México is country heir to ancient cultural wealth, home to some of the greatest civilizations antiquity. Its citizens and towns are dress in colors, flavors, and textures that envelop you in a unique and unforgettable atmosphere.”(TecMilenioUniversity …show more content…

One of them is the Academic merit scholarship which is an scholarship only for high school students or professionals with an average of less than 90 in their previous academic level. There is also the Academic scholarships which is a scholarship where all students can apply for if averages are less than 80 in the academic year or previous level of studies. Another one, is the family scholarship which is a contribution that Tec Milenio University gives to students who begin to study in a campus in which at least one sibling is already studying without benefit of scholarships. Scholarship effort is a scholarship provided to all those students who can prove to be currently working and studying at the same time. The star scholarship is a scholarship that covers 80% of all cost, only for those students with an average of 95 and up in the current level of studies. (TecMilenio

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