Book Review: Forbes Greatest Business Stories of All Time

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Book Review: Forbes Greatest Business Stories of All Time It would be an understatement to say that the twenty figures presented in Gross's Forbes Greatest Business Stories of All Time are success stories. These people have molded and shaped the way we live our everyday lives through their incredible achievements. Imagine starting with only a vision, while lacking the financial resources and personnel to make that dream a reality. This was the case for most of the entrepreneurs presented in this book. They found a way to create something out of nothing. Obviously, they had to overcome constant obstacles and setbacks on their way to success. A few also faced some morally challenging issues that may have been questionable, which will be addressed later. The striking similarities amongst some of the most innovative and recognized entrepreneurs in the world helped contribute to their revolutionary business ventures. By reading and analyzing this book, lessons and advice can be inferred and applied to our everyday lives. By noting and analyzing the common character traits and themes among the major figures in the book, it will allow the reader to see how their accomplishments were achieved. A reason for many of these entrepreneurs' success was their attention to detail. Specifically, Robert Morris used his attention to detail to become the nation's first real businessman, establishing his reputation by gaining connections to important people. He used these characteristics to ultimately establish the Bank of North America as well as finance the U.S. during the American Revolution from his own resources. Ray Kroc also paid great attention to detail while establishing his McDonald's empire. While developing the concept of franchising, he expanded with the idea of continuity on his mind. He wanted the exact same product served at his restaurants all across the country. Sam Walton, creator of the Wal-Mart empire, was also someone who paid great attention to detail.

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