Music Therapist Strengths

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Being a music therapist requires one to have a certain set of skills in order to be successful. The University of Kansas’s program emphasizes clinical musicianship as well as intrapersonal, interpersonal, and therapeutic skills. As a freshman student in the music therapy program I have not developed the clinical aspect of musicianship and therapeutic skills yet. However, based on past experiences I am able to identify my strengths and challenges of my musicianship, intrapersonal, and interpersonal skills. As a musician, I value the importance of improvement and continuing education. One of my strengths is that I am never completely satisfied with my musical abilities and knowledge and am always improving. This mindset also coincides with humility. …show more content…

I believe myself to be a judgmental person in that I tend to form opinions of others before I get to know them. However, I strongly believe in treating everyone the same regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. If I have a negative opinion about another person, I will interact with them with an open mind. When I first meet them I, in a way, want them to surprise me and prove my judgment wrong. Where this negative quality truly has consequences is in situations of meeting new people. If I believe a person to be have certain personality that I would dislike, then I may avoid interacting with them unless that approach me first. I recognize that putting myself in that position prevents me from getting to know someone and causes me to miss out on many social opportunities. On too many occasions I have made a judgment about a person and was completely wrong. The first time I met my current best friend, I honestly did not like her for no reason. It took me a couple weeks of getting to know her and realizing we had so much in common. I was lucky that band camp caused us to always be around each other because I may not have ever talked to her. From that experience, I realized that I should take initiative and actively meet others. There are so many social opportunities around us that we take for granted on a daily basis. I could start by getting to know people in my own classes more. Instead of staring at my phone, I could use the time before class to improve my social skills and build

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