Moving To A New Place

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Did you know one of the hardest things to do as a kid is to move to a new place? More than 6.5 million kids worldwide have experienced moving to a new school. This can majorly impact the academic excellence and the social life of kids, teenagers especially. Well, I myself have moved to many different places as a kid growing up. This includes schools, houses, neighborhoods, states, and families. Although, I have experienced moving to many places I feel it has helped me and will continue to help me throughout my life with meeting new people and experiencing new places. When you're in the moment of the situation it seems to hard to take in, but I knew it would help in the long run. I had to persevere and tell myself day and day that everything would be okay this takes a lot of courage for kids especially younger ones like me.

My act of courage is moving to a new place multiple times in my lifetime thus far. Throughout the places I have moved to I have found that moving to a new neighborhood is the least hard thing …show more content…

This was one of the most unfavorable, because I would have to go to this place everyday with kids I didn't know. Sure I would make new friends and eventually know everyone, but at the moment it is so hard to comprehend that. I missed my old friends and school with the teachers I knew. Also every school has its own unique difference with different grading scales and ways of teaching. Another tussle is that I moved to three schools in a single year. Not only does this sound bad, but it was because one day I would be learning a specific topic and then a couple days later I would be learning something completely different. As a matter of fact, I was writing an essay in English class and when I moved schools we reading the book Bridge to Terabithia and I had to switch mindsets really quick. This was one of the most inconvenient part of moving in my opinion and

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