Moving To A New Country

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Moving to a foreign country can be very challenging and can make one experience difficult times. Frustration because of the language barrier, adjusting to a whole new system, and being involved in a different environment are all play a part to fell at home. First, experiencing frustration for not knowing the language and not being able to communicate with others. If a person has problems expressing himself or herself, he or she will get into a lot of trouble if a word is pronounced incorrectly or some other people might misunderstand them. Experiencing difficulties while filling out important paperwork can be frustrating for anyone. It is even more frustrating if the form is in a new language. If a person is filling out an important form in another language and he or she does not understand what they are signing for it can get him or her into a lot of …show more content…

The food might not taste the same and might have different colors and sizes. If you move to a country that has people from all over the world, the cultural environment will affect he or she in a certain way because one is used to speaking and hanging out with people from your own country. In a new country finding the simplest places could be a nightmare. In one’s home country, he or she knows where the pharmacy, supermarket or gas station was located and to start from zero to find those places again with different streets and name’s can be frustrating for a person. Leaving everything behind is not easy. Moving to a foreign country and starting from zero will take time and patience. After a while, it will be easier, but with hard work and dedication, soon it will feel like home and as if the struggle never happened.Furthermore, a few month later the challenge will decline, and a person will start to feel at home

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