Monsanto Ethical Issues

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Historically, Monsanto was a drug and chemical company, most commonly recognized as the producer of NutraSweet and Equal (Monsanto, 2015). However, it is not as commonly known, but they are also the producer of “Agent Orange”, which was used during the Vietnam War and wrecked havoc on our soldiers nervous systems (Baird, 2015). Unfortunately, many are still dealing with the effects of this drug. Moreover, Monsanto was responsible for the highly toxic pesticide DDT, which was banned in the US in 1972; polychlorinated biphenyl industrial lubricants, banned in the US in 1979; and rBST, the controversial bovine growth hormone to boost milk-production in cows, all of which resulted in legal claims relating to health and environmental damage caused by its products or practices and has had to make substantial payouts (Baird, 2015). Now, they are genetically modifying (GM) seeds, which produce the world’s food (Monsanto, 2015). …show more content…

Thus, Monsanto has joined forces with FMC Agricultural Solutions, Sumitomo Chemical Company, Valent USA, and Novozymes to focus on new and improved products and help the company to enhance products quality (Monsanto, 2015). Additionally, their current research and development strategy and commercial priorities are focused on “bringing customers second and third-generation traits, on delivering multiple solutions in one seed (stacking), and on developing new pipeline products” (Monsanto, 2015, p.

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