Monsanto Ethics Essay

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Monsanto employs over 20,000 employees dispersed throughout their facilities within 69 countries. John F. Queeny, founder of Monsanto, started the company in 1901, which at first manufactured saccharine. Later, John son Edward directed the companies into the agriculture industry. The company is best known producing Round up, an herbicide, and for developing genetically modified (GM) through biotechnology. “Monsanto developed G.M. seeds that would resist its own herbicide, Roundup, offering farmers a convenient way to spray fields with weed killer without affecting crops” (Barlett, D. L. & Steele, J. B, 2008). Since the start up the company has encounter several lawsuits, patent issues and critics. The company also faces many concerns about the …show more content…

Maintaining an ethical culture has been a struggle for the company for decades but when Hugh Grant took over as CEO, he the reformed the companies ethical culture. Before Grant, Monsanto was knowingly polluting a creek in Alabama with toxic waste, as a result, the polychlorinated biphenyls levels were outrageously high and many fish became deformed. The company had been doing this for forty years, “Once the cover-up was discovered, thousands of plaintiffs from the city filed a lawsuit against the company” (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2017, p. 383). Consequently, trust amongst stakeholders was broken, the companies stocks was impacted, dropping nearly by 50 percent. Grant worked to turn the company around and did just that by focusing on GM foods. “Today, Monsanto employs approxi- mately 22,000 people worldwide. It is recognized as one of the 100 best corporate citizens by Corporate Responsibility Magazine”. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2017, p. 384) Despite all the legal battles the company has faced and ethical blunders, the company today now does maintain a better ethical

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