Marketing Strategy: Monsanto

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A successful marketing strategy is parameterized by its success in ensuring the availability of a known and useful product at the right time and place and at a price that is acceptable to the consumer, the latter being subjective depending on the perceived value of the product. Although this blueprint of marketing is true for many products and industries, priority on these parameters vary with industry. In a study published by Traynor and Traynor (2004) it was demonstrated that high-tech firms place less emphasis on advertising and invest more in research and development. Biotechnology industry is among the six generally accepted high tech industries (Viardot, 2004). Developments in biotechnology industry have been among the main drivers of …show more content…

According Gardner et al. (2000) high tech firms put a considerable effort in product differentiation. Monsanto have capitalized on this element their high tech seeds can withstand certain pests, and are capable of growing and thriving in the harshest of environmental conditions for example under conditions of water limitations, these developments have differentiated between Monsanto seeds and seeds from Monsanto competitors. Product synergism, that ensure line extension of the brand is also an important element when considering dominating industry (Jobber and Fahy, 2006). Monsanto produces both seeds and herbicides (chemicals responsible for killing weeds), Monsanto seeds are biological engineered so that they can withstand herbicide which is produced by Monsanto, thus when buying Monsanto seeds it is reasonable to get their herbicide and vice versa, the seeds on the market are called roundup ready seeds and the herbicide is called roundup (there are various agronomic synergisms within these two products which have benefited the marketing success of …show more content…

Similarly farmers are less concerned about nitty-gritty of a particular cultivar, rather they interested in a cultivar which will give the highest yield with minimal inputs, and with a produce acceptable to food processors, and food retailers. The major stake-holders which are responsible for selecting high yielding cultivars from low yielding cultivars are researchers, and research councils, and these are the stake-holders which will advise farmers on which seeds to buy. Monsanto understood this landscape and its promotional efforts were directed at the latter. Currently Monsanto is a sponsor of combined congress, a congress made up of South African Soil Science Society, S.A. society of crop production, S.A. Society of Horticultural Science, and S.A. weed Science Society. These societies represents researchers from institutions of higher learning, agricultural research councils and growers association. In a congress held in 2017 Monsanto had an opening talk to rectify some “myths” regarding its round up products. Such promotional efforts are unparalleled particularly if mass advertising might be at the detriment of the sales. This seems to be the case when it comes to Monsanto seeds, despite the masses being literally fed by these seeds few are aware of their

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