Monologue Of A Humorous Wedding

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Once upon a time in Middle Earth in the vale between the misty and the white mountains, there was Rohan, the great kingdom of men. After a dreadful war, in which its king was killed, it was ruled by Eomer the blessed. The people called him that because he managed to restore Rohan to its previous glory and became a rich and fruitful land. Eomer was engaged to be married to you, his beloved for many years. You two were happy together and every day, dreamed of how to make your wedding extravagant for the people. After the difficulties the Rohirrim had faced, they need a happy event to remind them that their future is bright. However, evil still lurked north of Rohan in Fangorn forest. Deep in the woods lived a shape-shifting witch. She turned …show more content…

We will ride until we reach the forest and then we will continue on foot. I want us to talk about some of our wedding plans.'' Eomer asked you one morning. ''I would like that my love. I will inform our advisors that we will be absent for a while and we can begin.'' The two of you walk across the river admiring how peaceful the forest looked after Rohan made peace with the Ents who lived there. ''I feel so fortunate that I have met you, my heart's queen.'' He held your hand like every time you are walking together. ''I feel the same Eomer. I still can't fathom how lucky I have been to have met you.'' You placed a small kiss on his cheek and stared adoringly into his …show more content…

Suddenly you both felt sad and sorrowful. You also could sense the forest getting colder and you realized you were close to the witch's home. You tried to leave but your panic made you lose your way. You reached for Eomer's hand to guide your through the woods but you couldn't feel him anywhere. Turning around you saw that ha dah became a nightingale. He was singing loudly to warn you about the witch who was lurking close by. You were mesmerized by his beautiful and melodic song that you failed to notice the witch approaching. She froze you in your place and made you unable to move. The old evil witch caught the nightingale, put in in a cage and took it to her home. She returned and freed you telling you that you would never see your fiancé again. He was not with her like every other man who dared to cross her hunting area. You were desperate. Not knowing what else to do you asked for help from the Ents. They would definitely have an idea of how to deal with the witch. On your way to meet them, you run into Eomer's sister Eowyn. ''Eowyn, how are you here? Did you sense what happened?'' You hugged to calm yourself from the

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