Creative Writing: The Handmaid's Tale

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“What is of more value than gold?” inquired the White Witch. Maugrim, captain of the police, was the first to respond. “An abundance of gold?” he questioned. The White Witch turned and glared at him until the poor soul shrunk back to his task of cleaning the floors. She responded with a booming “No you fool; I cannot number the price of gold I would give for the four siblings’ heads,” she paused. “Preferably without their bodies attached.” Then she gave Maugrim the order to find them at all cost even if he had to travel to the ends of Narnia. Because there were no leads, he was forced to wait for her signal; but he decided that when the call came, he would be ready.
The appalling White Witch had decreed that if anyone was to fraternize …show more content…

When he arrived, he was offered an extremely stale piece of bread, but when Edmund refused, the White Witch was so enraged that Edmund started nibbling on the wretched bread because she hostilely had flung her staff at Edmund! Now she impatiently called Maugrim, captain of the police, to enter this dire situation. She ordered him, with the highly unreasonable decree, to kill any human he found in the blustery woods. Edmund, knowing that his sister would be looking for him, begged the witch intensely to rescind the order. To make him stop, she delivered a blow to his head knocking him completely unconscious; then the White Witch gleefully announced, “Now he can’t ask for any more Turkish delight.” The wolf laughed a bone chilling laugh . When Edmond finally regained consciousness, he awoke on a sleigh rushing remarkably fast that he guessed they couldn’t be headed anywhere else but toward the miserable woods. He hoped his sister had fled back into the wardrobe to fetch their siblings. If only he was able send a message to her warning of the dangers that were almost upon her, but he just didn’t know

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