Mining Increases Countrys' Revenues and Economy

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ICMM (International Council on mining and metals) has conducted ten case studies of “mining countries” and with better methodology to have better understanding and assessment, they found out that mining may contribute to national economies. According to (ICMM, 2010) mining may help to reduce poverty and indirectly induce employment. From mining too, it helps to increase government revenue to help increase development of the country.
Mining project starts with mineral ore exploitation and ends with post-closure period. Generally, each phase of its activity is influenced and associated with different environmental impacts. The first phase of mining is start with exploratory phase. During this phase, surveys are made and that include field studies and drilling test borehole and other exploratory excavations. Vegetation is cleared out so that large vehicles are allowed to enter.
Roads need to be constructed so that heavy equipment and supplies are easily transported to the mine site. The ore deposit extends in a very deep ground so it is necessary to remove layer by layer. If large enough mineral ores are deposited, with sufficient grade on the site, the project is to start with the plan but there are several components are to be made. This phase is the Development Phase.
When access roads are constructed and staging areas are prepared, mining can take place. All Mining is correlated with extracting metals from the earth but the proposed mining project may differ in terms of extracting method. Ore deposits at depth underground hence a pit is created to extend below the underground table so groundwater is pumped out to allow active mining phase.
During extracting metal takes place, the ‘overburden’ or waste rocks are removed to...

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...was reported by (C.Madrigal, 2011) that at least 20 miners were killed in the explosion. The cause of the explosion was due to leaking gas. (Appendix c)
Earlier before, it is mentioned how mining may help one country’s economy. Mining may as well contribute to human suffering in Africa. For example: human conflict in Sierra Leone due to blood diamond. Although the civil wars have ended but the emotional memories will last for generations: millions of people are still dealing with the consequence of losing family and friends.
According to (Gorman A.B,2004) The operation of mining has threatened the environment and to human but no one knows how to fix the problem. However, a small number of experienced mining engineers have worked with environmental and community based organizations but the best options for cleaning up the abandoned mine is usually very expensive.

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