Mercury, Or Hermes In Greek God

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Mercury, or Hermes in Greek, is the god of financial gain, commerce, messages, communication, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves. Mercury is the son of Maia and Jupiter. Mercury’s symbol is his winged sandals, winged cap, and his staff with the twin snakes on it. He’s winged sandals allow him to fly from Mount Olympus to the underworld. Mercury does not have a domain because of his ability to move freely between worlds. Mercury power of flight makes him the messenger of all the gods. Mercury also steals from and plays tricks on the gods. Sometimes he plays a robin hood and steals from the gods to give to the people of Earth. Mercury is the son of Jupiter and Maia, one of the Pleiades. Mercury is known for having a jokester personally. He regularly lies, steals, and tricks the gods into giving him things, however his service are still reliable enough for the gods to trust him with their message and delivers. …show more content…

One interesting fact that they both share is that they are both fast. Mercury rotates the sun 1.5 times faster than the Earth and Mercury has been known to deliver messages in breakneck speed. Another interesting fact about Mercury is that he has been stealing seen he was a newborn. According myth states that when Hermes was born, he jumped out of his crib, stole Apollo's cattle and then went back to his crib playing innocent. When Apollo figured it out, grabbed Hermes and went to Zeus to complain. The father of gods simply chuckled and didn't punish Hermes due to him being an innocent baby. Some say that this event is what caused Hermes to steal from others as an Adult because he was he was able to get away with it as a

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