Menzie Fu Sang Research Paper

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the waterway influenced mthe chinese to travel to the New world because of the currents. they explored the regions of Oregon, and california.
Believe it or not the chinese was the first civilization to have ships with 3 or 4 levels to carry a alrge amount mof supplies. these hugh ships with their 4 below deck levels use the weight of the supplies to aid in the balance and the beoyance of the ships and the keels. everyone talks about how large the ships of the Columbus voyagers were but do some research on the ships from China with their massive sails forward and backward and the 400-600 ft length of the ships and the ships were builted for trips lasting 6-8 months before returning home.
On these voyages, the chinese use the stars and the seasons of the year, and the water currents acclaimed to a selection season to guide them to and from their destination. …show more content…

The map the missionary discovered -- which has come to be known as the Harris map -- showed that Fu Sang was located exactly where North America is. Even more amazingly, some of the features shown on the map of Fu Sang look a lot like geographical anomalies unique to North America, such as the Grand Canyon.

As if the Harris map weren't suggestive enough, other maps have also surfaced. It's a specific map that Menzies points to as definitive proof that the Chinese had already explored the world long before the Europeans ever set sail in the age of exploration. This map, known as the 1418 map -- so called for the date it was supposedly published -- clearly shows all of the world's oceans, as well as all seven continents, correct in shape and situation. Even more startling is the map's accurate depiction of features of North America, including the Potomac River in the Northeast of the present-day United

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