Mathematician Research Paper Archimedes

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Mathematician Research Paper: Archimedes It is no mystery that without the Ancient Greeks, math as we know it today would not be the same. It is mind blowing to think that people who had no access to our current technology and resources are the ones who came up with the basic principles of the mathematics that we learn and use today without any preceding information on the topic. One of the best examples of such a person is Archimedes. Not only did he excel as a physicist, inventor, engineer, and astronomer, but he is still known today as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. His contributions to the field laid out many of the basics for what we learn today and his brilliance shocked many. Long after his time, mathematicians were still stumped as to how he reached the genius conclusions that he did. Nicknamed “The Wise One,” Archimedes is a person who can never be forgotten. Archimedes is said to be born in Syracuse, a Greek City State in the island of Sicily, around 287 B.C. ("The Archimedes Palimpsest") His great level of intelligence was not totally surprising due to the fact that he was the son of Phidias who was a mathematician and astronomer himself. Some people believe that Archimedes may have been related to Hiero II, the King of Syracuse at the time, but it cannot be confirmed. ("Famous …show more content…

Although I only mentioned three of his most famous contributions to math, there are many more. Archimedes was the person to prove that the area of a circle was equal to pi multiplied by the circle’s radius squared. He also calculated the volumes of parts of many other shapes including spheroids and conoids. The things that he came up with with little to no prior information to work with are used to help millions of people do different things. He was one of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known and without his work, math would not have come as far as it has

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