Math Team Experience: The Greatest Challenge Of My Life

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Most middle school students spend their vacations crafting friendship bracelets and counting pimples, but during the summer after my sixth grade year, I was about to face the biggest challenge of my life. I waved adieu to my parents at the Cleveland Airport, and boarded a plane full of adolescent strangers. I was studying and touring the United Kingdom with a group of students from all over the state of Ohio. When we landed in London, our group met up with students from California. We were immediately ushered away to a hotel, where we were assigned a random roommate from the opposite state of which we resided. I will never forget my first roommate. She was the classic California girl: beach blonde hair, a perfectly golden tan, and huge eyes that most likely resembled the cerulean waves that she embraced every summer day. I, on the other hand, was fresh off the typical Ohio winter, complete with powder white skin, unruly hair (that decided its own fate), and crooked wire-rimmed glasses. She preferred running on the beach, and I would much rather practice my Math Team problems.
We co...

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