Mary Sue Character Analysis

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"She looked at me with her blonde sun kissed hair and smiled. I was the villain, the antagonist of her eyes yet she made me feel complete.

"Its ok I will help you," she assured sweetly.

The group in the back cheered behind her, encouraging her. She gripped my hand and I felt sorrow for what I have done.

So. Much. Cringe

To be honest, nothing in this cringey, very short story makes any sense.

1. why would the protagonist help the villain unless the villain slowly changes over

2. Why does the villain fall in love the protagonist so quick UNLESS HE SLOWLY CHANGES

3. Why are her friends backing her up when she is being nice to a bad guy

These signs point to a ..........................wait for it................................ A Mary …show more content…

Mary Sues or Gary Stus are boring and unrepeatable to sum them up in a few words.

Luckily, I am going to help you create a non Mary Sue that you can be proud of

First you need to have plot for the main character, who is usually the Mary Sue

I like to divide this into some sections

Backstory= The backstory explains his or her life up until the beginning of the novel. Things to include are reasons for why she is the way she is, events that shaped her life, relationships, and much more

Beginning= You meet the character and she or he is a character who is someone with flaws and strengths. Some of the flaws get in the characters way causing outer and inner turmoil.

Middle= This would be the character development phase. The character would begin to address the flaws that were getting in the way of his or her dreams

End= Have the character not lose the flaws but instead have her or him learn to utilize them and accept his or her flaws

You don't have to use the exact formula and I would like if it wasn't used a bunch because I don't want this to become cliched. A good idea is to use the formula as a reference for character creating.

One of the awful Mary Sue traits are that everyone except for the bad guys agree with

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