Norah Mcclintock Themes

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“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.” -(Neil Armstrong) Colin Watson is a teenage boy who has a tendency to get into mishap regularly, however as time goes on change occurs. The novel entitled “Marked” written by Norah Mcclintock, portrays a breathtaking situation many young adults are unaware of. This Canadian author surely knows how to grab the youth's attention. The protagonist of this story had some harsh history in his past, he has changed over time to become a better person. Due to this gradual change, he was recommended a job that required commitment. The issues Collin has to face due to this job brings advantages and disadvantages with multiple risk factors and difficult decisions. Mcclintock …show more content…

The obvious theme of the story is crime and mystery, however as a reader when reading beyond, it is realizable this story is not only based on finding the true evil. This novel consists of another theme which is decision-making, and friendship. In this novel, it is conspicuous the theme is crime due to the doings of the characters and the direction the author is leading the readers. Nevertheless, Collin has to make some difficult decisions in order to save himself as well has his new friendship with Alyssa. From Colin's perspective, we come to realize Alyssa is a beautiful female and him, as any young teenage boy feels once they get to know a beautiful girl, wants to help her out and become her Romeo. In this situation, Collin manages to give a hand to Alyssa often enough, at this point Alyssa begins to trust Collin furthermore. Alyssa now reveals to Colin as to why she vandalizes the posts he’s been cleaning daily. Following this event, Colin has to make a crucial decision, Colin has to reveal to the police the doings of the gang, however, all at once he has to make sure the gang does not find out Alyssa went to the cops or else Alyssa’s brother will face an unwanted life or death situation. This situation may not be something all teenagers are facing or even most, but this scenario does reflect upon other situations teenagers at this present time have to face. Being caught in between doing the right thing and helping your friend is a common situation most teenagers tend to face at this moment. Most teenagers tend to head in the route of their friend, however, this plot clearly portrays there is always a way around the obstacles. Collin instantly thought of a plan to help his friend and do the right thing. Alike this event, teenagers need to come to learn to think outside of the box, figure a way out and not narrow the

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