Marketing: 'The Concept Of The Marketing Mix'

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Borden, N. H. (1964), "The concept of the marketing mix", Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 4 No. June, pp. 7-12.

I found the main goal of the article to explain the concept of marketing. As the author implies, the concept of the marketing mix is a great tool to give an answer to the question “what is marketing”. It is a great introduction of the elements of marketing as a whole, with visual charts that sum the different marketing forces. Marketing is not about doing or not doing, its mainly about doing the right things for your operation with consideration of the resources that are available. This also sheds light over the fact that managing functions of marketing must be oriented to the market and with consideration of the marketing changes make a marketing mix that fits the resources of the firm.

The logic in the article is simple, just as the motive to present a topic that can in a more detailed passage seem complex, as a very simple graspable and an unadorned science. It is also for that reason that I find the message persuasive, since the main elements of marketing come through very strong throughout the whole article. As a reader, I …show more content…

E., Brodie, R. J., Danaher, P. J. and Johnston, W. J. (2002). "How Firms Relate to Their Markets: An Empirical Examination of Contemporary Marketing Practices." Journal of Marketing, Vol 66, No 3, pp. 33-46. There is a belief that firms have a different marketing approach depending on if the firm is trading services or goods. Service firms are assumed to have a more relational approach where they manage the whole buyer-consumer communication process while the goods firms are transactional. The main purpose of this study is to find out how firms relate to their markets and what the relative emphasis of these firms on transactional and relational aspects of marketing are.The study distinguishes the firm type by the most dominant type of product offered and the most dominant of customer

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