Marcus Garvey's Impact On The Black Community

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Marcus Garvey is regarded as one of great figure and leader organization of the largest black nationalist movement in history, the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). As a journalist and publisher, Marcus Garvey had published many papers for the black cause. “The declaration of the right of negro people”, where the author protest against the wrongs and injustices the black community are getting from the white community and “An appeal to the conscience of the black race” in which Marcus states that in order to change the negro situation they need to work in unity as a nation and country and being self-reliance and self-help to ourselves rather to depend to white community Let Nobody turn Us around (Section 4 chapter 3). For a better understanding to Marcus Garvey impact in the black community, we will pr1ovide a brief biography, the UNIA’s goal and impact and end up with his relationship with the other black leader Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr was born on August 17, 1887, in the tiny seaside town of the Saint Ann’s Bay on the north coast of Jamaica. Marcus quit school at the age of fourteen due some economic problem and join a printer in to the capital Kingston where; he learned printing and newspapers business. At the same, …show more content…

He was even aspired to create an example of Tuskegee Institute where he trained schooler in industrial and agriculture. Even though they never meet in person they were acquaintance through paper and the later did invited him to come to United States. However, the time of his arrival in America in 1916, Washington did pass away in 1915, still Garvey made a pilgrimage to Tuskegee school Alabama to pay his respect to him. While him and W.E.B Du Bois did see thing eye to eye, which might be a little understandable knowing that booker T Washington, who influenced him was not sharing the same point of view with Du

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