Making a Successful Society

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What makes a society successful? This question has been pondered for ages, not only in the United States, but also in countries all around the world. There are several possible answers to this question and different approaches one can take to try and make their society a success. Some may feel that a society can achieve great accomplishments only from working together, but if their ethics are not correct than can it actually be considered a success? The success of a society does not only come from collaboration, but also from sound ethics and social responsibility. Ethics are the rules we create to establish a sense of fairness in our dealings with each other. Without those rules, our social structures may fall apart. Ethics are a very important quality a society needs for great achievement, and they play a major role in all of society’s organizations and institutions such as medicine, politics, laws, and religion. For example, we trust our doctors in being ethical and thus believe that they will do their best to accurately diagnose our illness. Physicians and other medical healthcare professionals take what is known as the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath is one of the mostly know medical Greek text, and it requires new healthcare workers to swear to uphold a number of professional ethical standards. Even everyday civilians must have good ethics. Some keep from doing unlawful actions such as robbing a store, lying under oath, and trespassing to be able to help bring good to a society. With the right ethics, a society can do such things as lower crime rates, run the government smoother, and bring more happiness to the people. Another important quality in a successful society is collaboration. Collaboration is the act of wo... ... middle of paper ... ...erica is still known as one of the best countries in the world, but there is always room for growth. Although there is no way to achieve a perfect society, we as Americans can always work towards making America as close as possible to perfection. Improving and raising our standards in the areas of ethics, collaboration, and social responsibility can help make outstanding differences in our country. Using all of these qualities and with the help of all civilians, we can make America an even greater country than it is now. Works Cited Bennis, Warren G, and Patricia W. Biederman. Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1997. Print. "John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address. U.S. Inaugural Addresses. 1989." Great Books Online -- Quotes, Poems, Novels, Classics and hundreds more. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.

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