Makeup Informative Speech

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Confidence is the Key People say that girls wear makeup because they have low self esteem, or they want to get boys attention. Some don't understand that they do this for themselves, not to impress anyone. Same goes for middle schoolers getting piercings and dying their hair, they should be able to do whatever they want to their body. Schools may say, it's a “distraction” but not all makeup, piercings, and hair colored is a “distraction” This is just some ways that kids express themselves out in the real world Makeup is a personal thing that middle schoolers enjoy and experiment with especially teenage girls. It's a way for some girls to express themselves, because if you really think about it, makeup is a type of art. You need to …show more content…

When people see girls wear makeup to school they automatically assume that they're wearing makeup to impress a guy or that they have low self esteem. Just because they wear makeup doesn't mean that they're trying to impress anyone. For my self experience, I wear makeup because I like how it looks on me, and I have a passion for doing my makeup and other people's makeup, and I enjoy doing it. Not everyone is perfect, a lot of people have flaws about their skin. Some people may have really pale skin, or acne or a scar they want to cover up with a foundation or a bb cream, to help them feel confident going outside the house. Others might think, that middle school kids shouldn't wear makeup to school because it's a “distraction” to others, or that it's a “heavy full on caked makeup”. They should still be allowed to wear light makeup or a natural look. It’s the kids choice to wake up early in the morning that he/she needs to and get ready and put on makeup. They're giving up more of their sleep time to make sure they look how they want to look for the day. It's also their choice to spend …show more content…

This makes those kids responsible to be able to make the right decision what products to buy, and save up their money to buy whatever makeup brand they want to achieve their desired look. On the other hand, Kids get bullied because people assume things. When they don't even know what they’ve been through or going through. One topic is middle school kids having piercings on their body. Some kids get called names such as “freak, emo, weirdo” and etc. Some schools may banned other types of piercings but it should be okay if kids have ear piercing or any type of piercings that doesn't distract or affect them or other students in any way. Moms usually make their daugther get their ears piercing when they’re still a little baby. You can just undo what's already been done because the school doesn't let kids have them in their body. It's their body they should be able to do whatever they want with it. Peircings is just another way that kids wear to boost up their confidence. It's a type of an accessory that makes them feel like a pretty girl inside and outside. Last but not the least, Every school have different rules. Some might have kids

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