Personal Bathing: Personal Grooming And Deportment

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Personal grooming and deportment in this context has to do engaging in reading the word of God, spending quiet time before the Lord, meditation and early morning devotions before one starts his/her day. As alluded to by Munroe Myles – (1991), p225-228 in his study guide using open ended questions such as what, when, how, which, where being part and parcel of an interactive process of breaking forth in order to unlock the key of self-confidence, assertiveness and pro-activeness. He emphasizes that you dare believe in your potential and cites that human potential without Godly purpose produces self-destruction. It also includes one’s ability to look smart, feel fresh, eat healthy, sleep enough …show more content…

The bottom-line is even if you choose to bath seven times in a day, still if you are light or dark you will remain the same. Also still the next day you wake up, you will still be dirty and will need yet another bath. So, apparently it is not how many times you bath, but more of the freshness you get from the showering. If resources permit, some people deep themselves in Jacque form bathtub wash with special body wash foams. That is very okay, but a simple showering with soap, scrub sponge and towel can also do the trick. Use of a scrub stone for under fit and toe nail is usually very helpful as your legs will feel nice and clean after use. Usually, you no longer need a toe-nail cutter as the job is done by the scrub stone. There is so much that can be done to make your bathing as comfortable as possible. Bathing time can be very therapeutic if you take it that way. It is quality time to touch base with your own body and to thank the good Lord Jesus for how wonderfully and fearfully made, Psalms 4:10. You will be communicating to yourself and having an opportunity to actively massage your own body. Therefore, once in a while if you are a very busy person, take time to spend more time than you usually take to bath therapeutically. Due to busy work schedules and the like, most people only take less than five …show more content…

They want to present themselves before their God in a very special way. That is quite commendable. The choice of the make-up is up to the individual as some prefer the standard American style of doing make-up whilst others opt for the more traditional African styles of make-up. There is obviously no measuring stick or yard on your personal preference of make-up. As long as it is modesty and makes you look as well as feel better when you wear it, it is okay for you. This includes the type of lip-stick you use, eye-liners, deodorants, lotions, creams and perfumes. Some people go for shouting make-up whilst others prefer the more silent and moderate ones. There are those who feel very comfortable with their natural looks without any make-up, reflecting the real you. That too is commendable. At least there should be times when you are without any artificial. Some ladies do not use a towel on their faces but hand-wash or use a piece of cotton from chin to forehead as they say it resorts youthfulness and prevents the skin from dropping down. Fortunately, African ladies do not need to worry about this as their skin is strong and hard enough not to drop. It is okay though to do all the tricks you feel makes you appear more well-groomed

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