Magic Johnson And Henrietta Lack's Black Mirror

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I’m confident in saying that of society’s accomplishments, our medicinal evolution is unleveled. To take into perspective this miracle, think about the effect the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV had on the world in the 20th century. It seemed as if one was plagued with this heinous disease, death was inevitable. Of course, there were treatments to curb the effects and prolong the hosts already shortened life; however, none guaranteed a normal life. Nowadays, this issue has changed. Yes, contracting HIV is still very unfortunate and life-changing but today’s medicine ensures that one can live to expectancy. Magic Johnson is a perfect example of this phenomenon. Having contracted the virus at age 31, Johnson now 57, is living a healthy and prosperous life all thanks to modern medicine. This week’s readings were particularly intriguing because of the advancements we have made and continue to make in the matter of years. However, I focused my attention on the ethical aspects of our medical …show more content…

That it’s no big deal if someone who tests a drug dies in the process because it's for a “good cause”. In the case of Henrietta Lack’s, it's almost as if the doctors and researchers completely forgot about her state because they were so fascinated with her profound cells. There has always been that saying that you cannot place a monetary amount on the life of a human. I’m afraid that now this is the case and money is the most sought after remedy. Unethical testing and the globalization of harmful drugs only exists because there is poor regulation. Our government inadvertently supports the pharmaceutical industry by allowing them to act immoral without any repercussions. If some individual dies as a result of consuming a faulty drug, their life should not be written off as study for science… it's just not

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